Financial planning explained
Your journey

1. Initial meeting
The first step in the Thomson Gray process is getting to know each other. This is where we start to understand your circumstances, aspirations and objectives. It is also a chance for you to understand our services, how we work, and how we are paid, and for us to give you an idea of how we might be able to help you.
The first meeting is at our cost. If we believe we can add value to your life based on the information you have shared, we will tell you. Then it is over to you to decide if you would like to work with us. If you want more time to consider, we will be available for a further chat or any questions that come to mind. Likewise, if we believe we will not be able to help, we will let you know.

2. Deep dive
Once we have both decided to work together, we will gather more information about your aspirations and objectives to fully understand your circumstances and to work out if you are making the most of your assets.

3. Creating your plan
After our meeting, we will pull all the pieces together, do the technical analysis and identify areas of change that will help you towards your goals and objectives. We will then build this into a bespoke plan.

4. Presenting your plan
Once the plan has been finalised by our team, we will present our recommendations to you and discuss potential outcomes. Then, together, we will make any adjustments based on our discussions. Once we have finalised the plan and agreed to go ahead, we will begin implementation.

5. Ongoing reviews
Through our ongoing service, we will monitor your plans and keep track of your goals and objectives to ensure everything is working for you in the right way. This is arguably the most important part of the process, and regular review meetings allow us get to know each other better so that we can talk through important decisions or big life transitions.
At each meeting, we will reaffirm your circumstances, goals and objectives, and adjust the plan in accordance with any changes.
Our fees
We deliver a premium service from the moment you get in touch. Our fees are disclosed at the initial meeting and we use this as an opportunity to demonstrate the value of our work and decide whether we are the right fit for each other.
Your success is our passion
For more than 25 years we have been helping people to better their lives and achieve their goals. We are a Chartered firm which values listening and nurturing long-term relationships with our clients. But that is not all…
Why choose us